Open Data Portal



Commercial, National


13. 04. 2016 – 11. 02. 2023


Marko Kuder

OPSI is the main access point for open data in Slovenia and was developed to follow the European Directive on the reuse of public sector information. It aims to catalogue all public information published by the national administration as well as individual municipalities and to enable the public to reuse the data to develop new services and products for profit or non-profit usage. The portal automatically checks the published metadata, reports broken links and scores the datasets based on the openness of the data they provide, encouraging use of open data formats.

OPSI is built upon the CKAN platform, a leading open source data portal system. A publishing workflow was developed additionally by XLAB, enabling editors to write drafts which are checked and published by chief editors. Integration of Drupal, adopted from the data.gov.uk portal, provides a strong CMS for news and other content. Secure login using personal certificates (CAS protocol) is ensured by integration with the Security Platform used by the Slovene Public administration. The portal is in continuous development by XLAB, updated with new features (e.g. linking of EUROVOC and national legal documents) and supported for additional data harvesting sources (Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, National Assembly, Bank of Slovenia …). OPSI offers a widely supported API, used by the European Data Portal that collects metadata from OPSI and other national portals, distributing the data on an international level.