
EmpoWering prIvacy and securiTy in clouD envirOnMents



Horizon 2020


01.01.2015 - 31.12.2017


Miha Stopar
EU flag
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 644371.

WITDOM aims at protecting the privacy and security of data outsourced to untrusted ICT providers, such as clouds. By protecting sensitive data cryptographically and by applying the privacy-by-design paradigms, WITDOM will provide a holistic framework that addresses end-to-end security for sensitive data. WITDOM’s data protection methods will be tailored to the risks associated with different classes of data, so that users remain immune to the threats, vulnerabilities, and risks that may affect remote data processing.

Large global ICT infrastructures owned by third-party providers enable distributed processing and storage of data at unprecedented scale today. Despite their convenience, these services are exposed to concerns about the security and privacy of data entrusted to them. WITDOM will develop methods and provide tools for protecting privacy in the context of remote ICT services, thereby increasing the trust within the European society in cloud-based services. The power of WITDOM lies on addressing realistic scenarios with privacy-by-design methodologies and on developing resource-efficient cryptographic tools (e.g., efficient homomorphic encryption, differential privacy, secure multiparty computation), to permit secure processing of remote data without a need to decrypt or to relax security. Through employing strong cryptography WITDOM’s approach ensures effective protection of personal and sensitive data.

This framework will: - Be driven by security-and-privacy-by-design principles - Be holistic and all-encompassing - Provide end-to-end security

XLAB’s role

XLAB will lead the coordination of the development activities in Privacy-Preserving Platform - Toolkit and Prototypes Work Package and their alignment with the preset architectural definition. XLAB will also lead the development of the generic platform and its Cloud enabled variant, and assist in the development of both use-case scenario prototypes, the e-health and the financial services prototype.