XLAB among contributors to ManageIQ

28. oktober 2016 - Avtor XLAB

28. oktober 2016
Avtor XLAB

As of October 2016, XLAB is listed under contributors to ManageIQ, the open source cloud management platform for container, virtual, private and public cloud infrastructures.

ManageIQ offers self service, compliance enforcement and resource optimization for more than ten platforms including VMware vSphere, OpenStack, Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Kubernetes, and OpenShift Origin. It is also the open source project on which the commercial Red Hat CloudForms product is based.

What started off as a commercial project by one of XLAB’s customers addressing problems related to cloud orchestration, security, customization and localization of ManageIQ, turned into a stream of code released back to the open source community. XLAB started working closely with the Red Hat’s ManageIQ team and consequentially added support for the new cloud providers VMware vCloud Air. Up until now the XLAB team has had more than 25 successfully merged pull requests into the upstream ManageIQ repository.

XLAB team has a long track record of integrating open source technologies to support clients’ mission critical systems. Ever since 2009, when within the European research project XtreemOS first attempts were made to give back to the community, XLAB contributed thousands of lines of code within more than 55 research projects e.g. contributions to Cloudify, providing open source libraries based on OASIS-TOSCA for orchestrating and deploying big data technologies within DICE project, integrations and application deployments in OSv and OpenStack within MIKELANGELO, enhancements of the data collection service – Celiometer, the 3D GIS software, Gaea+, extending the NASA World Wind Java core etc.


ManageIQ official website: http://manageiq.org and GitHub: http://github.com/ManageIQ/

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